Nortek Signature500 / Signature 1000
Built on the advanced AD2CP platform, Signature1000 and Signature500 are designed for unprecedented performance in high energy turbulent environments, while also giving users the freedom to employ two measurement schemes at one time. Altimeter data provides the user with a high-resolution distance measurement to the surface or the bottom.
- Signature 500
- Five beams for mean currents and turbulence
- Wave height and direction
- Ice thickness and ice tracking
- Signature 1000
- Five beams for mean currents and turbulence
- Wave height and direction
- Very small size and weight
- Signature 500
- Turbulence studies
- Tidal turbine operations
- Studies of tidal currents
- Sediment transport studies
- Ice drift and draft studies
- Vessel-mounted coastal surveying
- Plankton migration studies
- Biomass measurements
- Directional wave measurements
- Suitable for wave buoys
- Signature 1000
- Turbulence studies
- Sediment transport studies
- 3D profiling using a wire walker
- Surf zone dynamics
- Studies of tidal currents
- Fine-scale mixing studies
- Vessel-mounted coastal surveying
- Directional wave measurements
- Coastal studies
- Suitable for wave buoys