Nortek Signature250

It is capable of measuring directional waves, ice thickness and ice drift from up-looking installations of up to 150 meters depth.

This 250 kHz frequency, true broadband instrument brings you a host of features and benefits carefully developed around the needs of the scientists and engineers working both within academia and in the offshore industry.

It has been designed with a broad range of applications in mind: Nortek has built a rugged, robust system optimized for operational users, while also offering innovation in data investigation capabilities and accuracy to scientific researchers.

  • 200 m current profiling range
  • Wave height and direction from 150 m installation depth
  • Ice thickness and ice tracking
  • Ice drift and draft measurements
  • Directional wave measurements
  • Mid-depth current profiles
  • Studies of tidal currents
  • Plankton migration studies
  • Upwelling and downwelling studies
  • Large-scale mixing studies
  • Suitable for wave buoys

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