weather sensors

EP180 Evaporation Pan​

Global Water’s Evaporation Pan is built to be compatible with all standard National Weather Service pan evaporation measurements.  The EP180 is a Class A Evaporation Pan that features a drain plug and an attached stilling well for easy installation of a water level sensor, like Global Water’s WL400 (3 ft range). The EP180 is normally installed on a wooden platform set on level ground.  There are two commonly used procedures for making evaporation measurements.  In both procedures, a 10 inch Deep x 47-1/2 inch ID stainless steel pan (like the EP180) is used to hold the water.  Since the amount of evaporation is a function of temperature, humidity, wind, and other conditions, in order to relate the evaporation to current or expected conditions, the maximum and minimum temperature of the water and the amount of air passage are normally recorded along with the evaporation.  Global Water offers water level sensors, water temperature sensors, weather sensors, and datalogging capabilities to complete an evaporation monitoring system.

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